What is more important than freedom and comfort? We also think that probably nothing. That’s why our Tozex team is now ready to introduce Tokenpad.
Tokenpad is a decentralized issuance module that offers friendly and automatic issuance of tokens. It facilitates the use of the Blockchain technology for token issuance. It’s based on open source standard smart contract which integrates high security standards and complies with future Blockchain international standards (ISO TC 307).
Creating your own tokens and going through a token sale can be a long and exhausting process. At Tozex, the process of generating tokens is intended to be fast, easy and error free. We handle all the technical aspects from the beginning until the end. You automatically generate your own tokens and can simply choose whether you wish to use Ethereum, Ethereum Classic, RSK and Credits as your underlying Blockchain technology.
We provide all the crypto community with user-friendly interface without any programming background required. Users just have to file the form with the information related to the project (Name, ticker, decimals, token price, total supply, token discounts, crowd sale rounds, amount of funds to be raised, token allocation, KYC value, etc.).
Smart contract used for the token creation has been designed with the highest security standards and best cybersecurity standards. Our smart contracts not only integrate all the highest existing safety standards but are the fruit of the last two years of research & development of our team.
Moreover, smart contract templates will integrate the future International standards applicable to product and/or services based on blockchain technologies & distributed ledger technologies.
Find out more at https://tozex.io/.