Going decentralized — gaining momentum in embracing the new reality

5 min readJul 15, 2021


Decentralization has been making headlines along the road, and it’s getting harder and harder to find a centralized network in the crypto industry. What about the real world? Does decentralization have any chances in the physical world?

Bitcoin and its most known precedents like Ether have been pioneering the way for decentralization in modern finance, starting from the digital world and now slowly climbing to traditional financial systems.

Decentralization has made many processes available and accessible in crypto and has become a primary trigger for growth and development. Though crypto is known and used for the benefit of a rather reserved number of people, it has been created for a much larger audience, and decentralization aims to bring this accessibility and to the masses. Crypto is not massively adopted yet, and not everyone is ready to move from centralization to a decentralized economy.

Yet, decentralization is already knocking on the door. In addition, perhaps it’s worth trying to get people familiarized with decentralization, show that it’s possible and beneficial. Show that the limitations imposed by traditional financial systems are no longer indispensable. The world is getting ready to embrace a decentralized way of life, and below are a few of the ways to facilitate the process.

Taking responsibility for our actions

It’s important to have respect for the thoughts and actions of people that surround us at work or in our private lives. Mutual respect allows people to feel equally important without any hierarchies or subordination levels.

A survey on decentralization as of 1999 states that people that feel their equal involvement in a task are way more responsible and treat their duties with the highest accountability. Thus, decentralization is more about the horizontal distribution of authority than vertical hierarchies are.

All are alike and all are important. The system is balanced. Decentralization is about treating people the way we expect them to treat us. Yet, horizontal distribution of power isn’t as much widespread to be enough to switch to decentralized systems.

Blockchain was the first major technology entirely based on the peer-to-peer principle, which is exactly the horizontal division of authority with all nods evenly placed to participate in the network. Hasn’t it been for blockchain’s horizontal structure, crypto wouldn’t have succeeded the way it did and keeps doing. Being respectful and unbiased is one of the keys to a successful performance, so why not start practicing it right now?

No restrictions

The modern world is full of control, and people are suffering from a lack of privacy, yet it’s possible to keep control over the confidentiality of one’s sensitive information. There are ways to stay “out of track”, for example, paying in cash instead of using bank cards. We can refrain from leaving any personal information on websites and stop saving passwords for facilitated access to applications.

These and many other measures can help us keep our information secure and private, we just need to give it a little thought. Data sharing has made our life way easier, but there’s always a line that can be crossed without notice. Being accustomed to keep our data private makes decentralization more real.

Fostering charities with non-fungible tokens or outside crypto

Auctions have helped people of thousands of professions to find audiences and raise funds for their products and services. Charities have made the same efforts to benefit from fundraising initiatives.

Most organizations helping children or endangered animals, fighting with climate change or any similar global problem have long mastered charitable fundraising methods, but some of them have made a step forward and started to conduct charities with NFT. There is also a special platform where crypto holders can donate their ETH to a selected organization or fund and help those in need. Following the trend, BSC blockchain integrated a donation option via which users can make a direct contribution.

The decentralization-driven peer-to-peer principle allows people to make direct donations without any middlemen and risks of sending the funds to the wrong people. Donating and helping those in need has become not only easier than ever but has also evolved into a trend that humanity needs to stick to.

Attention locally

The infrastructure cities build to make the life of their residents convenient is becoming more and more sophisticated. The quality of people’s lives is increasing every day.

As stated in the 1999 report on decentralization, the decentralized approach to managing people’s lives can facilitate access to products and services, assist in finding jobs, getting easier access to medical treatment, education services, foster sustainable development, minimize the gap between the poor and the rich, empower human rights and protect the planet from environmental changes. Developing local cities is the first step to prosperity.

Understanding how the cryptocurrency industry works may be difficult for many while getting involved in local development is easy and accessible to everyone. Serving as a volunteer at local hospitals, schools, veterinary centers, nursing homes can contribute to forming a better local spirit and unity.

Helping in data-keeping centers and museums is another way to contribute to local development. Residents can take part in restoring the history and cultural values of the city they live in, form a cultural background, unite the communities and create a positive image of the area.

Decentralization can be a great solution to fostering local development by integrating blockchain with record-keeping systems that can store data on local history, traditions, important events, and use the chain to spread historical knowledge.

Additional technologies supporting decentralization

Blockchain technology knows no boundaries. It can be used in all areas of human lives. Blockchain is the perfect tool to bring decentralization to the real world. Companies should pay close attention to blockchain technology and the benefits it can bring about. Any industry can integrate blockchain and use its power to develop. While blockchain isn’t accepted massively, it can become a great competitive advantage.

There emerge solutions helping newcomers to accommodate blockchain technology in whatever business they do. Blockchain Is sure to prove that it’s here for long and for all.

Everything that decentralization brings about is achievable through blockchain. Respecting people and treating them equally, helping local communities, and being open-hearted to other people’s needs is the first step to building a decentralized world.




Written by Tozex

Tozex is a non-custodian tokenization platform proposing 4 services: Launchpad, NFT Marketplace, Token Bridge & Multisignature Vault.

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