Millennials constitute people that are born in the last two decades of the 20th century between 1980s & 1995s. Millennials grew up surrounded by technology that has been ubiquitous for the past two decades. They love technology that’s why it’s not surprising to see that they are attracted by the Blockchain technology and cryptoassets. Millennial generation is the first one to grow up in a digital world which explains why they feel comfortable with digital products. Digital assets will come naturally to them.
According to the study published by Nulltx in December 2017, in United States, one in three millennials invested in cryptoassets in 2018. Millennials represents almost 20% of the world’s population estimated to 1.5 bln people.
Millenials see collapsing traditional stock market as greatest threat of the current economy. Millenials have expressed great optimism about cryptoasset markets, 71% of them would invest in cryptoassets it were offered by traditional institutions according to Etoro 2019 February study.
Millennials users of Tozex deciding to enter on this new era will be very important in the coming years and Tozex has been designed for them.
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