Word’s First Airdrop

Tozex airdrop continues to gain momentum. While preparing it, our team studied carefully hundreds of airdrop experiences of other cryptocurrencies in order to learn their lessons and make our own one the best possible way. One day we thought: who was the one to start the airdrop trend? Every single thing in the world has an inventor, so there must be the company who launched the first airdrop in the world!

2 min readNov 2, 2019

And yes, we found it.

The first airdrop campaign ever took place in Iceland in 2014. After the 2008 financial crisis, the government of Iceland was looking for some alternative to Icelandic krona that was affected much by the Great Recession. Having taken into consideration the rising popularity of Satoshi Nakamoto’s ‘child’, Bitcoin (BTC), the incognito Icelandic (or not, who knows?) developer(s) under the nickname Baldur Friggjar Óðinsson created the first country-specific cryptocurrency, Auroracoin. In order to spread the new cryptocurrency around the population, the creators launched the process called ‘airdrop’. By using the Kennitala (Iceland national ID) national identification, the token was distributed to 330,000 people. On the 25th of March, each of the residents received about 31.8 AUR with each Auroracoin having a value of $12.11. This means each Icelander received Auroracoins amounting to about $385 value.

However, within a space of 6 months, Auroracoin lost its market value and failed (the cryptocurrency was revived in 2015, but it’s quite another story). Still the idea of airdrop itself proved to be wonderful and was accepted by many countries and companies to launch and promote their own tokens.

Well, we know that airdrop as a file transfer service was created by Apple in 2011, but the fact that Auroracoin distribution was called like this has a more deep and even mythical meaning: the creator’s nick was Baldur Friggjar Óðinsson, a son of Scandinavian god Odin, and the word ‘airdrop’ literally means that something is falling from the air or sky. In the result, a new coin that ‘fell’ from Valhalla right to people’s hands as a gift from Odin’s son!

See, technological progress is an awesome thing, but there will always be some room for miracles!

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Written by Tozex

Tozex is a non-custodian tokenization platform proposing 4 services: Launchpad, NFT Marketplace, Token Bridge & Multisignature Vault.

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